
Sight Reading
Harper, 2013

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On a Boston street, Hazel and Remy spot each other for the first time in years.  Though their brief meeting might seem insignificant, Remy, a gifted violinist, is married to the composer Nicholas Elko—once the love of Hazel’s life.  It has been twenty years since Remy, an ambitious conservatory student; Nicholas, a wunderkind on the cusp of success and its challenges; and the beautiful and fragile Hazel, first came together.  From Europe to America, from conservatory life to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, they have forged criss-crossing paths of thrills and doubts, wonders and betrayals.  As Remy and Hazel find themselves once more linked by shifting fate, Sight Reading explores the mysteries of perception and intuition while unspooling a transporting story of marriage, family, friendship and long-held secrets.

Boston Globe bestseller and winner of the 2014 New England Society Book AwardSight Reading was a finalist for the 2014 Paterson Fiction Prize and a 2014 Boston Authors Club selection.